Grazia Lotti received her laurea degree cum laude in Computer Sciente from the University of Pisa in 1974. Since 1989 she has been associate professor of Computer Science at the University of Udine, since 1990 she has been full professor of Computer Science at the University of Trento, since 1993 she is full professor of Computer Science at the University of Parma. Her main research interests are focused on computational complexity, on the synthesis and analysis of sequential and parallel numerical algorithms, with special regard to the complexity and the stability aspects. In the field of concrete computational complexity problems, a new class of bilinear form computation algorithms has been developed allowing the reduction of the complexity of arithmetical and boolean matrix multiplication. Part of the research has been devoted to the design of VLSI algorithms for the solution of linear systems and to the analysis of the structure of the inverse of band matrices. In the field of automatic numerical quadrature, new symmetric interpola- tory rules have been introduced together with a new strategy of global adaptive quadrature allowing the reduction of the complexity of the high precision auto- matic quadrature. She has studied algorithms to solve infinite linear systems arising in the modeling of queues problems with Markov chains or in the discretization of differential equations on unbounded domains. New preconditioning techniques for badly conditioned problems with noise affected right-hand side have been proposed. She has studied some numerical aspect of problems arising in the stochastic modeling of the Web, proposing a mixed model based on uniform and preferential attachments and a coupled model which takes into account the interconnection of the two distributions. Fast algorithms for the solution of unbalanced banded Toeplitz systems have been proposed and analyzed.